who is better
ronaldo or
messi this through out so many soccer fans has created a great amount of controvery and i think my aritcle is just perfect to decide who is betternow lets disscus each players best attributes messi hes got a great attitude and an imatchable dribbiling accuracy [that ronaldo dosent have] and a pretty good speed now messi is got what i call the eye of a top scorer he can score so many goals he just knows in what precise moment to act in order to score a goal but most of messis goals arent that beuitful now am not saying messi dosent score good goals i mean barca vs getafe when has ronaldo ever done that but iam saying most of messis goals arent that good now lets discuss ronaldos atributes first of all his free stlye abilites they make you jeoulous they are beutiful they make you say now thats how you confuzie some body second ronaldos heading ability which is pretty good but in my opinion a little overrated but lets say ronlado has a pretty good heading ability [something messi just dosen have]but not the best third lets just say free kicks have you ever heard of the legend of man undt vs portsmouth now thats what i call a free kick when will you ever see messi do that but his kicking abilites are also excelent in movement porto vs man udt can prove that for me and forth speed ronaldo is just faster than messi but now lets discuss atitude messis atitude is by far better than ronaldos.ronaldo often screams cries and thats not just compereable to messi who just smiles or put his head down which is of corse good sportsmanship something messi is better than ronaldo by far but now here is were i make my descion on whos better goals messi scored around 30 goals this season ronaldo about 20 but messis goals are not that good while some of ronaldos goals this season make me say thats soccer for you right there so here is my conclusion messi is a very efficent player but ronaldo is a classy player that make you wonder and makes you dream he is somenody that i and so many people would give just about any thing to be like him so yea messi is just another top scorer ronaldo his the fantasy player
Messi Vs Ronaldo
Messi Vs Ronaldo
Messi Vs Ronaldo
Messi Vs Ronaldo
Messi Vs Ronaldo
Messi Vs Ronaldo
Messi Vs Ronaldo
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